Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm about to teach you about you! Gender Determanation!

        Ever wonder why you're a boy or a girl? Ever wanted to know why? Well, I have the answer! The truth is, that your gender is determined by pure chance. You could've been a second away from being a boy if you're a girl, and vice versa for boys. Just think... you could've been the opposite gender by a second. Okay, I know I'm not making much sense. Just bear with me here, okay? Thanks.
        Okay, so there are two cells: a sperm cell:
 and an egg cell:

       Sperm and egg cell:
        You might ask what this has to do with gender determination. Well, my answer is that it has everything to do with gender determination. Gender determination is all about the sperm and egg cell. See, it's like a race. The sperm cells all race to get to the egg cell first. If a sperm cell with the genes of a boy get there first, then you're  a boy. And vice versa for girls. Now, once one sperm cell reaches the egg, all the other sperm cells die. It's a race for survival. So the sperm and egg cell bond, and form... you!
        Now, if two sperm cells get to the egg cell first, then that forms twins. Twins, though, is another lesson entirely. I'll teach y'all about that later. Okay? Okay, good. So the egg cell has an X chromosome. The sperm cells can either have an X or a Y chromosome.
        If a sperm cell with an X chromosome bonds with the X egg cell, then the result will be a girl baby.

        Now, if the sperm cell with a Y chromosome bonds with the X egg cell, you get a baby boy.

Baby Boy Smiling
        Kinda weird to be learning about how you got your gender, huh? Just like it's kinda weird thinking that in a split second, you could've been the opposite gender. Odd. Anyway, that's it. Pretty simple, if you think about it. Wait-- I forgot. You can also have characteristics like a girl and a boy. This would happen if you have an extra X or Y chromosome. Remember: Y= Boy and X= Girl. Other than that, that's it. I really hope you learned something. I know I did. If you go to my classmate's blogs, you may find some more information on this topic, or you may find some information on twins. The links are below. Have a nice day!

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