Saturday, December 31, 2011

GOODBYE 2011, HELLO 2012!

         Happy New Year, everybody! I still can't believe 2011 is over. There will never again be a 2011.  It's been a great year, but like all great things, it must come to an end. What did we do this year, hmmm? We had great fun. I believe that this was the year that Kenneth got us in trouble. Yes...this is the year he did that. We spend an hour in that room, I think. This was also the year that we visited Rock Eagle, for the second time. That was fun. I do recall that we tried to canoe. I can say, honestly, that for me, it failed. It failed for a couple others do. One group, who shall remain anonymous unless they tell me otherwise, didn't even make it two feet. I think they were chased by a goose when they got too close to the shore. My canoe buddy and I got so frustrated that we just said, "You know, this isn't a bad place to die; I think we'll stay here." My canoe buddy got so much water on me while trying to paddle...well, let's just say I got revenge.

         Also at Rock Eagle was at night. One during the campfire. We had a couple of wimps among our group, who know who they are, that got the bajeebers scared out of them. Mr. Sellers was the one who told the story that got them riled up. I was the one who threw a rock in the lake that scared the guts out of them. Lizzy was the one who snuck up behind them and made them just a mile high. Good times. It was when we got to the room, however, that it got interesting. There were four bunk beds, I think, and the four of us on the bottom got onto the top of the bunks. It was two girls on each top bunk. That may not seem interesting. But what is interesting is that fact that each of these girls, with a few exceptions, were spilling their lives' secrets. Not secrets anymore. I'm not going to reveal what the girls who revealed said, and I was not one of them, for what happened in that room stays in that room. That was what we agreed on.

        Unfortunately, my friends do not understand the concept of secrets: You don't reveal them. For when the door opened, and all of us that were supposed to be on the bottom bunk jumped from the top bunk to the bottom, our math teacher came in. She had been listening at the door. Surprise, surprise. That was why I did not reveal my secrets. Lucky for my friends, our math teacher wouldn't reveal the secrets. That's what happened at the end of the year. Kenneth graduated. We miss him. He was something else.
        I don't know what my friends did over the summer, but I visted my family. In Egypt. It'll be another couple years before I get to see them again. And I won't ever see my grandfather again. I'll miss him.

       A lot of books came out. The Throne of Fire, The Son of Neptune, The Howling Sphinx, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja, and others. Many people die, Steve Jobs, the man who re-created the world we know, one of them. He'll be missed, as will all the other people who died. Many people were born. A lot fo weddings took place, such as the Royal Wedding.
        It's my last year at my school, and I'll miss everyone. The world may end in 2012, but we'll have to wait and see. We've made a lot of memories, but they are in the past. It is time to create new memories now.

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