Sunday, February 27, 2011


        Okay, this is what I was talking about in that mitosis blog. If you don't know what I'm talking about then too bad. If you do, good for you and thanks for reading my blog! Oops— forgot to say hi. Hello, how are you? Good? Good. Me, too. Now, if you don't mind, we'll talk about MEIOSIS!
        All right, you and I both know I can't get away with just telling you about meiosis. You gotta know mitosis, too. Recap: Mitosis is the process in which your nucleus divides. It happens like this: Interphase, Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Now, some people don't consider Prometaphase a real step, and some people don't consider Interphase a real step. Either way, they happen, so it doesn't really matter if it's a step or not, now does it? After Telophase, Cytokinesis occurs. I already put this video on my mitosis blog, but I like the song. It's catchy:

        It really explains mitosis, doesn't it? Yeah. I agree. So, sonce this blog is on meiosis, not mitosis, I'll let the video explain.
       Meiosis is coolio. It's like mitosis, but with key differences. Here—
        That one was awfully catchy, too, don't you agree? Well, meiosis is pretty cool. Wait... I already said that.... okay, meiosis is awesome... I guess. It's basically up to you to decide if it's coolio or not. Okay, so meiosis may be a little confusing.
         So, how is meiosis different from mitosis? Well, it does twice as many steps as mitosis. See, mitosis is Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and so on. But meiosis has Prophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase I, Metaphase II, ans so on. That's a big difference, wouldn't you agree? Another difference is that meiosis square dances and mitosis doesn't... not. Even though that is a difference. Another difference is that at the end of mitosis, there are two cells— okay, two nucleii, but still. After Cytokinesis, there are two cells. After meiosis, there are four cells. Cool, huh? Yep. Coolio all the way.
        Well, that's all for today. Please, if you want to know more, go to SuperSara's Blog, youngro-jalenguys blog, or Kevin's Blog. But wait— we've got a new class mate! Say hello to Katie! See you next time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good Job! lovd it, Great everything!

  3. Sorry, still unfollowing your blog.

  4. Fine. Do what you want, don't care about hurting my feelings.

  5. ME?! What about you? You don't care about what I want, as long as your happy!
